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Freezer Maintenance: How To Prevent Ice Buildup in Your Freezer

Opening your freezer only to see frost or ice buildup is not a good sight. Aside from being time-consuming to clean, freezer frost may also result in problems with your unit that may require professional appliance services. This includes reduced efficiency, foul odor, and freezer burn, which affects the quality of stored food.

That said, proper freezer maintenance is crucial to prevent frost from accumulating in your fridge. Read on for some helpful tips.

Set the Right Temperature

The first thing you should do is check your fridge’s temperature. As recommended, your freezer should be set to 0 degrees Fahrenheit or -18 degrees Celsius. Any lower can result in ice buildup in the freezer. Adjust the setting as necessary, or if you want to double-check the temperature, you can also use an external thermometer.

Prevent Humidity From Getting in Your Fridge

The warm air that gets into your freezer causes humidity, which leads to frost formation. To prevent this, it’s best to limit the number of times you open your refrigerator every day by keeping the items inside organized. You should also let food items cool down before storing them.

Stock Your Freezer Properly

Another important tip to prevent frost buildup is not to let your freezer be overloaded or too empty. When this happens, freezer frost buildup is more likely, as your appliance will work twice as hard to maintain temperatures, resulting in excess ice formation. To properly stock items in your freezer and avoid appliance issues, only store 2-3 pounds of food for every cubic foot of space.

Clean Your Freezer Regularly

Of course, proper freezer maintenance includes routine cleaning. This should be done every couple of months or whenever you think it’s necessary. To clean your freezer, start by taking out all food items and shelves, then turning it off to defrost. Use a cloth and cleaning solution to wipe down all surfaces clean, including the door seals. You can also use this chance to check for any cracks or issues with your appliance.

Get Reliable Appliance Maintenance and Repair Services

Learning about preventing frost buildup will help ensure your freezer is running in optimal conditions. If you need help with freezer maintenance or need other appliance services, reach out to us at Appliance Connection in Birmingham, AL.

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